Elaine Haling Lease Performances
We would like to receive additional photos, videos, stories and memories of Elaine Lease and her dance studios in St. Helens, Oregon.
We would like to receive additional photos, videos, stories and memories of Elaine Lease and her dance studios in St. Helens, Oregon.
You can also help us in accumulating a comprehensive collection by commenting in the blog on this page. What do you remember? Your costumes, the steps, music, dancing partners? Please share.
You can also help us in accumulating a comprehensive collection by commenting in the blog on this page. What do you remember? Your costumes, the steps, music, dancing partners? Please share.
Let us know if you have any pictures or videos you would like to share. We would be happy to scan them and return the originals.
Let us know if you have any pictures or videos you would like to share. We would be happy to scan them and return the originals.
The videos below were provided by Tom Germer, the Japs Family, and Ron and Elaine Lease. If you recognize yourself or others in these clips, let us know so we can associate the name with the image. Include the time shown on the screen when the dancer appears in the clip, if possible.
The videos below were provided by Tom Germer, the Japs Family, and Ron and Elaine Lease. If you recognize yourself or others in these clips, let us know so we can associate the name with the image. Include the time shown on the screen when the dancer appears in the clip, if possible.
Photos of Elaine courtesy Sentinel-Mist/Brownlow Family Collection
Elaine was dressed and ready for our very entertaining interview in 2013
Elaine was dressed and ready for our very entertaining interview in 2013
February 1, 2019 - Elaine Haling Lease entertains at Avamere Assisted Living
February 1, 2019 - Elaine Haling Lease entertains at Avamere Assisted Living
Courtesy Beth Bjork
Courtesy Beth Bjork
Avamere Elaine September 083.mp4