E. Adin Ross

Anna and E.A. Ross

E Adin Ross

b. 12/16/74 Avon, Wisconsin

d. 1943 St. Helens, Oregon (Bayview Cemetery)

Moved to Oregon in 1910

Entered insurance business in 1933

Residence 205 N 3rd St., St. Helens, Oregon

The E. Adin Ross Family

The author of this document was Cecil Ross' father-in-law, Reverend Archibald G. Baker The following in an excerpt from an extensive family history he prepared. You can view the original here.

"Uncle Adin" as he was more familiarly known by the Rosses, was born at Avon, Wisconsin, December 16, 1874. He was the youngest child of Levi and Mary Jane Ross. He received his early education at Avon and later graduated from the Academy in Beloit. During his younger years he lived in the old Ross home at Avon with Cecil's father (William Ross) and mother after they were married in 1886. In 1900 he married Miss Anna Mickelson of Marshall, Wis., and during the next ten years engaged in business in Beloit.

In the year 1910, he sold out and moved to St. Helens, following his older brothers William and Edwin to that town. The couple spent a year on the old Muckle ranch south of the town. Then in 1912, Mr. Ross established a furniture store in the location now occupied by the city library (St. Helens City Hall). He later moved the business to the Veazie-Gray building, and later still when the Knights of Pythias building was completed, transferred his establishment to that location. Here it remained until he disposed of it in 1928 to the Ormandy Brothers. Mr. Ross also conducted a mortuary and undertaking parlor in connection with is furniture store.

After disposing of his business and spending several months in the East and more particularly in visiting the old Ross neighborhood in Maine, he returned to St. Helens and entered the Columbia County Bank as vice president. He remained in this position until the bank failed during the depression of the early 1930's. Following this he entered the insurance business.

Up to the day of her death, Mrs. Ross was a faithful and devout member of the Methodist church. She was interest both in the activities of the church and of other movements for community betterment. Her outstanding service however was in the Cradle Role of the Sunday School of which she was superintendent for 24 years. Mr. Ross also was an active member of his church as well as belonging to the I.O.O.F. and to the Modern Woodmen. It is not strange then that both on their fifteenth wedding anniversary and on the occasion of the 25th, their friends and fellow church members should give them hearty receptions. The following account appeared in the local paper: "It was twenty-five years ago that Mr. and Mrs. Ross were united in marriage "back in Wisconsin"; and the friends of the couple thought it appropriate that an anniversary of the wedding should be held. So about eighty-five intimate friends gathered at the social hall of the Methodist church Saturday evening to tender the couple a reception. The tables were arranged in "T" shape and decorated with candles and a large wedding cake. During the dinner an orchestra rendered several selections, and after the dinner was over, singing 'Blest be the Tie that Binds.'"

Mrs. Anna Ross died August 30, 1935, and two years later he married Mrs. Clara Johnson who survived his death May 11, 1943, which was reported as follows: "Mr. E. Adin Ross, prominent in this community for 33 years, died in St. Helens General Hospital Tuesday afternoon following an illness from pneumonia from which he had been apparently recovering. He had had visitors up to within an hour of his death; and while he had complained of a slight discomfort he was not considered to be in danger. However he suddenly collapsed and died within a few minutes at the age of 68 years. Funeral services will be held at the Methodist church Saturday afternoon at two o'clock, Rev. Robert McIlvenna officiating. The pallbearers will be members of the local Knights of Pythias Lodge. The Oddfellows Lodge will hold graveside services at the interment in the Oddfellows Cemetery at Warren."