Edwin Ross

Edwin Ross

Source: History of the Columbia River Valley From The Dalles to the Sea, Vol. III,

Published 1928, Pages 455 - 456

Author: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company

EDWIN ROSS, M. D. One of St. Helen's most highly esteemed citizens is Dr. Edwin Ross, who for many years has been engaged in the practice of medicine, in which he has been more than ordinarily successful and has been active and influential in matters affecting the wellbeing of the community.

Dr. Ross was born in Fayette county, Iowa, on the 31st of December, 1864, a son of Levi and Mary (Morse) Ross, the former a native of Vermont and the latter of Maine, while both were of Scotch descent. His father, who was a farmer, moved to Wisconsin in 1865 and there followed agricultural pursuits until his death, which occurred in 1879. His wife died in 1875. To them were born seven children: William M., who died at St. Helens, Oregon; Joseph, who lives in Wisconsin; Mrs. Jennie Grimes, deceased; Mrs. Dora Barker, deceased; Edwin; Mrs. Hattie Synstegard, of Wisconsin; and E. A., who is engaged in the furniture business in St. Helens.

In 1885 Dr. Edwin Ross built this home for his bride to be Matilda Muckle

Home of Edwin and Matilda Ross. Rear portion of house may have been used for patients and was destroyed by fire.

Dr. Edwin Ross home "Tanglewood on the Columbia" in later years. Rear portion of house may have been used for patients and was destroyed by fire.

Matilda Muckle and Edwin Ross

Edwin Ross attended the public schools of Wisconsin, to which state the family moved when he was about one year old. He was also a student in Beloit College, at Beloit, Wisconsin, and in 1887 came to Oregon, locating at Pendleton, where he worked as a clerk in a drug store. In the fall of 1888 he went to Portland and took a course in pharmacy, and two years later located in St. Helens, at which time the town had a population of about two hundred and fifty. Here he opened a drug store and in the meantime attended the medical school of the University of Oregon at Portland, being graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1894. He entered upon the active practice of his profession at St. Helens, also continuing the drug business until his store was destroyed by fire in 1904, since which time he has confined his attention to his medical practice. Well educated, with a thorough knowledge of the properties of drugs and an accurate diagnostician, he has rendered valuable service to his community and has not only enjoyed a large and lucrative practice, but has held a high place in the confidence of the public.

Together with his brother, William Ross, the Doctor aided in organizing the first bank in Columbia county, known as the Columbia County Bank, and erected the bank building of native stone. He is now president of the First National Bank of St. Helens.

In 1903 Dr. Ross married Miss Matilda Muckle, who is a native of Tennessee and a daughter of Robert and Mary Elizabeth (Davis) Muckle. Her father was born in Canada and her mother at McConnell, Tennessee, in the manor house on the old Southerland plantation which consisted of thousands of acres taken up from the United States government in the early days when that portion of the state was a wilderness, the property remaining in the family for five generations. The parents of Mrs. Ross died in McConnell, Tennessee, and at the age of eight she came to Oregon to live with her uncle, the late Charles Muckle, of St. Helens, who in partnership with his brother, James Muckle, owned the sawmill and had extensive timber holdings, the brothers being prominently identified with the upbuilding of St. Helens through their business interests and other connections. They owned a sawmill, a store and a hotel and were prominent in the early affairs of the community.

Dr. and Mrs. Ross have a daughter and a son, Harriet, born in Portland, completed the high school course at St. Helens and then pursued the courses of Art and Education in the University of Oregon being graduated with the B. A. degree in 1927. She was married June 14, 1927, to Douglas Wright of Portland, where they now reside. Charles M., born in St. Helens, graduated from the high school here, and is now a student in Pacific University, at Forest Grove, Oregon.

The Doctor is a member of St. Helens Lodge, No. 32, A. F. & A. M., of which he is a past master; Avon Lodge, No. 62, K. P., and the Woodmen of the World, and he and his wife are members of the Order of the Eastern Star. They reside at "Tanglewood on the Columbia" one of the most attractive homes in the town, located on the bank of the river, and noted for the beautiful flowers and shrubs which are cultivated by Mrs. Ross, who is an ardent lover of flowers. They have long occupied an enviable position in St. Helens where they have an extensive circle of friends. Through his professional activities Dr. Ross has long rendered valuable services to his fellowmen and is still the loved family physician in many households.