
Trenholm School

Images below courtesy Lavina Patterson

Trenholm School 1947

TOP ROW: Bessie Roberts, Charlotte VanDolah, Elizabeth VanDolah, Betty Paterson, Alice Roberts. Second Row: Jimmy Hallstead, Marion VanDolah, Pearl VanDolah, Carlene Patterson. THIRD ROW: Laura Bloomer, ?Halstead, Detta Harrison, Ethel Jordan, Marie Serafin, Maudeen King, ? McGuggy, Marvin Bloomer, FOURTH ROW: Charles Halstead, Gerry Harrison, Danny Harrison, Ervin Urie, David Jordan. FRONT: Bill Roberts.

Trenholm Christmas Party L-R: Alta Olsen, Clarice VanDolah, Lavina Patterson, Gleen Corley Interior of School

Trenholm School Program c. 1955 L-R: VanDolah, Mabel Patterson, Mrs. Serafin

Trenholm Christmas Party with Accordians L-R Gayle Corley, David Jordan, Glee Corley, ?, Laura Bloomer, Marvin Bloomer, ?, Alta Olson, Roy Jordan. Seated: L-R Lavina Patterson, Jimmy Olsen, Charles Olson, Clarice VanDolah.

1952 Trenholm School 8th grade graduation.

Mrs. Alice Howard c. 1945 teacher at Trenholm school until 1956

Trenholm Graduation 1955 L-R: David Jordan, Gayle Corley, Ronald Howe.

Trenholm Graduation 1955

L-R: Alta Olsen, Glee Corley, Lavina Patterson

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